Easy Choices

Pork Belly Bites

The difference between these and my Homemade Pork Cracklings is that these are made out of pork belly slices without the skin. The other day, I saw these mouthwatering pork belly while shopping and I instantly saw pork belly bites. This makes a great snack and it’s way cheaper than the packaged Porky bites which (in my opinion) are not nearly as good as these.

Out of 500 grams of raw pork belly slices, I made approximately 280 grams of pork belly bites, That would be 9 servings of 30 grams. This is one snack that has no more and no less than ZERO carbs!

Fat: 15 grams and Protein 9 grams per serving ! And only 154 calories! For anyone following a LCHF diet this is GOLD!



1. With a very sharp knife, slice the pork belly slices lengthwise and then cut them in 1/2 inch pieces.

2. Place a saucepan on medium heat (knob on 4) and add the belly cuts with 1/3 cup of water. Add flaky sea salt on top.

3. Stir occasionally and after 5 minutes cover the saucepan with a lid.

4. Continue to stir occasionally and leave them to fry for about 30 minutes with the saucepan covered.

5. Remove the lid and keep them on medium heat for another 10 minutes until they get slightly golden brown.

6. With a skimmer take out the pork belly bites and place them in a medium size bowl, which has been lined with a paper towel. This will absorb the excess of fat.

7. Sprinkle with smoked paprika and serve either hot or cold.

They are amazing with tomatoes and goat cheese but also with pickled cucumbers (in brine) and feta cheese, even with a few slices of red onions.

My favourite snack that goes with this, looks like this:

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