Easy Choices

Stuffed Tuna Avocado

Avocado with Stuffed Tuna

Serve cold with Celery & Cucumber stick

Creamy tuna and avocado salad served with celery sticks!



  1. Cut the avocado in half and scoop out the pit with a spoon.
  2. Scoop the creamy green flesh out from the skin with a spoon and with a fork mash the the avocado in a bowl.
  3. Add a large tablespoon of Mayonnaise and lime juice. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Drain the tuna chunks and add it in a small bowl. Shred the tuna chunks with a fork.
  5. Combine the avocado mixture with the shredded tuna chunks and mix together to combine.
  6. Add one tablespoon with chopped shallots and mix to combine.
  7. Fill the avocado cases with the mixture and decorate them with slices basil or parsley leaves.
  8. Keep them in the fridge until serving!

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